The Westing Family

I absolutely LOVED this family session! Nicole and Alan have the cutest, sweetest kids ever and I had so much fun with all of them! I loved capturing all of the candid moments that really express each child’s personality. There’s no way you can get through all of these without smiling…enjoy my favorites! Love these […]


November 13, 2012


Family, Kids

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Meet Colin & Keane

I first met Colin and Keane last year when I photographed the Stuart’s family photos. Their Dad, Bill Stuart was my Communications professor at Longwood. Sadly, Dr. B (as everyone called him) passed away this September. He was such a wonderful professor and person. Dr. B will always be remembered and I’m so glad to […]


November 5, 2012


Family, Kids

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Early morning mini session

So my little sisters are THE best because I made them get up in time for sunrise this morning so I could do a mini shoot! And for those of you who know me you’re probably really amazed that I actually got up this morning. I am NOT a morning person. At all. But it’s […]


August 13, 2012



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